The European Games Developer Federation is committed to the stimulation and development of a stable, vibrant and creative European games development sector that is competitive globally and recognized culturally.
The EGDF will act to advance the political and economic interests of the European computer and video games industry by providing a platform for collaboration and discussion between European institutions and game developers.
The federation represents some 1500 studios based in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, which together employ about 25,000 people. The European computer and video games industry, including distributors and students in game educations, encompasses almost 100,000 individuals.
[one_half] News
19.8.2016 Expansion continues as leading Eastern European and Turkish game developer associations unite their forces under EGDF.
Three more members for the EGDF: Polish Games Association, Croatian Game Developer Association (CGDA) and Turkish Game Developers Association (TOGED) have been accepted as members of European Games Developer Federation. Read more…
14.7.2016 Croatian Game Developers Association joins European Games Developer Federation
EGDF to provide better international networking and promotion for thriving Croatian game development industry. Read more…
15.3.2016 Horizon2020 funding for game developers 2016-2017
With the kind help of Nordic Game Institute, we have summarised the most potential Horizon2020 calls for game developers. Read more…
[/one_half] [one_half_last]Events
Promised Land Art Festival, 27-30.09.2016, Łódź, Poland
15% discount with a promo code for EGDF members Read more…