The biggest professional game event in Switzerland returns from January 26 to 28, 2017. With roughly 600 expected professionals from the game industry, Ludicious is the place to network and see great new games from emerging talents.
Jason della Rocca (Co-Founder of Execution Lab), Koh Kim (Business Development, Strategy and Marketing Leader), Eric Zimmerman (NYU Game Center),Chris Solarski(SOLARSKI STUDIO), Phil Elliott (Square Enix Collective) and Erik Pötiskoski(Dodreams) have already been confirmed as speakers for the Ludicious Conferences. For the first time Ludicious will also feature a conference on Serious & Applied games, curated by the Subject Area in Game Design of the ZHdK and an additional conference on new game technologies curated by the ETH Game Technology Center (GTC).
As part of Ludicious Business the festival is collaborating with MeetToMatch to help attendees organize business meetings with international publishers, investors, and distributors. Basic access to the platform is included in the Conference Pass.
Early bird prices are available until December 24, 2017. To get an extra 15% off use the code LudiciousLovesEGDF when you check out here: