Call for tenders: EGDF is looking for extra resources for its European level activities

After the successful EGBG bringing extra financial resources for EGDF and due to increased workload, the board of EGDF has decided to open a call for tenders in order to get more resources for EGDF’s European level activities.

EGDF is ready to invest 1000€ (including possible VAT) per month between June-December 2020, all together 6000€.

In particular, the board of EGDF is planning to focus extra resources on: 

  1. Q3 and Q4 2020: Helping EGDF to communicate better and more transparently with its members
  2. Q3 2020: Helping on state aid lobbying 
  3. Q4 2020: Aggregating European data on the European games industry in 2019 

Interested organisations are asked to send the following information to, at the latest on the 5th of June:

  • How many hours are you able to invest in EGDF activities per week in exchange for a payment of 1000€ per month?
  • What focus would areas listed above provide the best synergies with your activities and how?
  • The CVs of people whose time you can allocate on EGDF activities (if available)

Please do not hesitate to contact EGDF COO Jari-Pekka Kaleva if you have any further questions.