
UPDATED 07.07.2022 EGDF celebrates record breaking EU funding for European video game industry  EU funding for the games industry is one of the focus areas of EGDF in its advocacy work in Brussels. In 2022, the European Union will invest roughly 18 million on funding calls dedicated explicitly to the games industry and more than […]

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You will find below a list of winners of 2021 game awards, around Europe. BELGIUMAward: Belgian Game Awards 2021Winner:  The Almost Gone, by Happy Volcano https://www.happyvolcano.com/ CROATIAAward:  Golden Beaver Awards by HCL.hr Winner:  St. Kotar, by Red Martyr Entertainment https://store.steampowered.com/app/1358530/Saint_Kotar/ CZECH REPUBLICAward: Czech Game of the Year Awards CeremonyWinner:  Creaks, by Amanita Design https://amanita-design.net/games/creaks.html FINLAND Award: The Finish Game […]

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To learn more about the Russion Market, you can download the White Paper here: White Paper: Guide to Video Games Promotion in the Russian Market (russia-promo.com) Russian market is one of the most attractive ones for foreign developers. Firstly, there are almost 65 million video game lovers in Russia. Secondly, the market has next to […]

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For this report EGDF has aggregated national data from 2019 on the state of local games industry from 19 European countries: Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden Download the report: https://www.egdf.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/EGDF_report2021.pdf      

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EGDF represents European game developers on a European level, helping to build up policies that support the growth of the European game developer studios and foster the development of the entire digital ecosystem in Europe. On our Policy section from our website, we summarize all the key EGDF positions on different policy issues, mapping also […]

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7 October 2020 – The European Game Developers Federation (EGDF) continued its expansion, as SGA – the Serbian Games Association, joined EGDF.  “The addition of Serbian Games Association to EGDF is highly important for our mission of building a strong voice in Brussels for European game developers. We want to unite, to share best practices, […]

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10 September 2020 – The General Assembly of the European Game Developers Federation (EGDF) formed of its members, national trade associations representing game developer studios in several European countries has gathered yesterday, 9th of September, to elect the board of directors for the next year and to discuss EGDF plans for the same period. During […]

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Brussels, 1 July 2020 The European Commission publishes its EU Skills Agenda today, 1 July, shining a light on a digital skills gap that is impacting EU recruitment in Europe’s €21.6 billion-strong video games industry. ISFE CEO Simon Little said: “We welcome the European Commission’s 12 actions in this Agenda as an important step forward […]

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You can find the SGDA&EGDF list that is updated constantly with new events here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IFj5kgytdfV2XKUAaEZHSDGtVe0H3eVkKl6XAtTxnI0/edit?usp=sharing Please do not hesitate to contact your local EGDF member assocation or EGDF COO Jari-Pekka Kaleva for getting access to the discount codes.

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UNICEF has published a set of recommendations for the games industry, designed to guide and support game developer studios and publishers through a process of incorporating child rights considerations throughout their business activities. “We welcome the UNICEF guidance document helping industry associations, formal and non-formal educational institutions and game developer studios and publisher to mainstream child right […]

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