
EGDF and partners announce European Games BizDev Gathering, a special online pitching and business meetings event to support European game developers during the worldwide crisis European Games BizDev Gathering is a two days long online event focused on supporting European game developers during challenging times of the ongoing global crisis. The purpose is to get […]

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In order to help its member associations to target their emergency support measures more effectively, EGDF is investigating how Covid-19 is affecting game business and game companies in different European countries. If you are running a game developer studio, please fill this quick survey to give us a better understanding of this matter. All the […]

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Currently, social media has become a hotbed of misinformation related to COVID-19. Keep calm and rely on information and recommendation from official sources. For best practices related to the emerging COVID-19 outbreak, please visit the following sites. WHO recommendation for the basic protective measures: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public  WHO guidelines for mass gatherings:https://www.who.int/publications-detail/key-planning-recommendations-for-mass-gatherings-in-the-context-of-the-current-covid-19-outbreak WHO FAQ based on the most […]

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On 17 February 2020, an informal group of 20 companies and trade associations published the following ‘Platform Fairness Principles’, to which they believe globally dominant platforms should adhere in order to ensure fair competition and consumer choice online: Fair competition No self-preferencing Real consumer choice Freedom of communications with users Access to data about users […]

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1. Creative Europe  Creative Europe Call EACEA/06/2019-Bridging culture and audiovisual content through digital Who can apply? The proposal must be submitted by a consortium composed of at least 3 legal entities coming from 3 different countries participating in the Creative Europe Programme What topics the funding focuses on: Projects including an audiovisual and new digital […]

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Unofficial EGDF checklist for applying Creative Europe funding for game development in 2019 A print friendly version of the guidelines can be downloaded from here. Official guidelines and application forms can be accessed here. If you have any feedback or you have spotted any errors in the guidelines, do not hesitate to contact COO of EGDF, Jari-Pekka […]

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On 2 July, over 145 organisations sent this open letter [PDF] on the EU copyright reform to the Members of the European Parliament ahead of the 5 July plenary vote on the JURI mandate which was granted on 20 June. During this vote, the European Parliament plenary will have to endorse or not the mandate granted […]

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Download the full EGDF vision on the future of EU funding for games industry from https://www.egdf.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/201801-EuropeanFundingInstruments.pdf  Many thanks to Neogames and Baltic Game Industry project for mapping and summing up different EU funding instruments in a single image. 

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1. Grants 1.1 Creative Europe Funding for video game development To who:Any game developer developing a video game concept or project presenting high level of originality, innovative and creative value, cultural diversity and enhanced Europe’s cultural identity and heritage compared to existing mainstream works; high level of commercial ambition and extensive cross-border potential able to […]

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