Regulatory framework

The video game industry has grown dramatically in recent years. France is now in the top 10 worldwide and ranks 3rd in Europe in terms of turnover. Never before have so many French people played video games. Here are 4 proposals from the SELL (Syndicat des Éditeurs de Logiciels de Loisirs) and the SNJV (Syndicat […]

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EGDF represents European game developers on a European level, helping to build up policies that support the growth of the European game developer studios and foster the development of the entire digital ecosystem in Europe. On our Policy section from our website, we summarize all the key EGDF positions on different policy issues, mapping also […]

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TIGA publishes 8 priorities for video games in a UK-EU Trade Deal. Find out more here

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TIGA, the trade association representing the video games industry, has set out a vision for how the London Mayor elected on 7th May 2020 can help to grow the London video games sector. The principlese can be downloaded from here:  

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Guide on implementing GDPR in France The full policy paper can be downloaded from  

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During Autumn 2018, Neogames summarised, for a second time, a comprehensive overview of the political objectives of the entire ecosystem of the Finnish game industry. The full policy paper can be downloaded from:–2024.pdf  

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In January 2015, TIGA published 20/20 Vision: Strengthening the UK Video Games Industry (TIGA Manifesto, 2015).  

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