EGDF positions

EGDF response on call of evidence for Single Market Strategy 2025 In its response to the call for evidence for the Single Market Strategy, EGDF underlined that the Commission should focus on removing the following two key market access barriers. Overcoming regulatory market access barriers: European self and co-regulation as a solution: All EU initiatives […]

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EGDF: “DON’T BE SILENT, REPORT YOUR FINDINGS” – THE LESSONS LEARNED FROM UNITY’S FAILED RUNTIME FEES Step by step, video game engines are becoming key gatekeepers of European cultural and creative sectors. Unity dominates game engine markets, Unreal being its primary challenger. These two engines are not just clear market leaders in the game industry […]

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EGDF calls for a holistic human rights centric approach on the protection of minors in the digital environment In its response to the Commission call for evidence on the Digital Service Act Guidelines to enforce the protection of minors online, EGDF underlined that: The Commission must take a human rights-centric approach to drafting the guidelines […]

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ENABLING DIGITAL GROWTH IN THE EU The European Games Developer Federation e.f. (EGDF) unites 24 national trade associations representing game developer studios based in 23 European countries: Austria (PGDA), Belgium (FLEGA), Croatia (CGDA), Czechia (GDACZ), Denmark (Producentforeningen), Estonia (Gamedev Estonia), Finland (Suomen pelinkehittäjät), France (SNJV), Germany (GAME), Italy (IIDEA), Lithuania (LGDA), Netherlands (DGA), Norway (Virke […]

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EGDF calls Apple and Alphabet to do more to ensure their compliance with DMA Only if properly enforced will the Digital Markets Act (DMA) lead to pro-competitive changes in the market practices of the gatekeeper platforms. If the enforcement fails, DMA will open yet another opportunity for the gatekeeper platforms to introduce new anti-competitive market […]

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EGDF is disappointed on Apple’s iOS17.4 anticompetitive fee structure  The Digital Markets Act (DMA) will drastically change game markets. However, only if properly enforced the regulation will lead to pro-competitive changes in the market practices of the gatekeeper platforms, like enabling the introduction of third-party marketplaces (a.k.a. application stores) and payment systems on mobile gatekeeper […]

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The games industry is one of the leading cultural, technological and economic drivers of the 21st century. Consequently, the EGDF spring general assembly 2022 reflected what kind of future we are building and what are the key policies and technologies enabling it. You can download the vision paper from here: [Update 3.11.2022] Updated the […]

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EGDF publishes its response on VAT in the Digital Age consultation For years European game developer studios have relied on platforms acting as deemed suppliers for VAT reporting. This system has worked well and does not need to change. However, now that alternative third party payment options are becoming more common in traditional digital distribution […]

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EGDF and ISFE publishes their response on Guidelines 01/2022 on data subject rights – Right of access  EGDF and ISFE members welcome the issue of Guidelines and Recommendations by the EDPB as they promote a common understanding of the European data protection framework and provide a harmonised interpretation of key provisions in the GDPR. This […]

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EGDF publishes its response on the Guidelines 05/2021 on the Interplay between the application of Article 3 and the provisions on international transfers as per Chapter V of the GDPR The free flow of data between the EU and third countries is crucial for European game developer studios. Regulatory obstacles on the free flow of […]

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