Creative Europe Programme grants 3.4 million euros for 31 European game developer studios

EACEA has published the results of the second round of Creative Europe funding for game development. As an outcome of the more strict rules for eligible projects set by European Commission in last January, the number of companies applying for funding decreased by 30% from 259 companies in 2014 to 182 companies in 2015. All together 31 studios from 14 member states passed the detailed expert review and received all together 3.4 million euro from the Union.

The president of EGDF, Hendrik Lesser comments:

”Game developers from all over Europe applied all together  17.5 million euro in the second call despite the fact that European Commission changed the rules in a way a much smaller number of game developers were able to apply for funding . This clearly demonstrates both the huge demand and the importance of the European game development support funding.  I’m especially happy to note that the budget of the call was increased from last year. Furthermore, it is marvellous that more projects from new member states were among the selected ones than last year “

The director of Finnish hub for games industry Neogames and a board member of EGDF Koopee Hiltunen continues:

”As can be seen from the huge crash in the number of applications from Finland, the funding instrument has now been tailored in a way that it is very difficult for the most innovative and promising start-ups to apply for the funding. As the success of the Finnish games industry demonstrates, the industry can play a significant role in bringing much needed economic growth in Member States. Unfortunately, with the current rules it is difficult for the European funding to reach the most potential companies. 

The vice-president of EGDF and the president of French game developer association SNJV, Guillaume de Fondaumière stresses:

” If we want to ensure that European games are able to keep their global leading presence on the market, we must push for content, business and technological innovations at an equal level. We do need European support for ambitious projects promoting artistic risk, however under the current rules a huge number of game genres (e.g. puzzle, memory, sports, racing, running, rhythm/singing/dancing, social, quiz or party games) cannot apply for funding. This is absolutely impractical as the genre of a given game does absolutely not reflect its cultural potential. We are thereby calling upon CREATIVE EUROPE to work closely with EGDF experts to redefine the rules for the future calls.”

The CEO of TIGA and a board member of EGDF, Dr Richard Wilson underlines:

”I’m happy that once again the UK is among the most successful Member States in both applying the funding from the instruments and benefiting from the Creative Europe funding. This clearly underlines the fact how even in member states that have a strong game development tradition like the UK, the Creative Europe funding can play an important role, as finding investment for ambitious projects can be difficult. I hope that the Creative Europe funding programme becomes more flexible in the future so that even more games can benefit from its investment. At present, games have to have a narrative component or be of a particular game genre in order to be eligible for EU funding via the Creative Europe programme.” 

The COO of Danish developer association Producentforeningen and a board member of EGDF, Jen Neiiendam concludes:

”In Denmark and all around Europe game developers are struggling to find funding for their most promising, but artistically and economically risky projects. This is especially the case for countries like Denmark that have particularly strong and vibrant indie game development scenes. Luckily, this year, Denmark was among the most successful countries in the call.”

The selection results are available on the EACEA website:

For further information, please contact COO Jari-Pekka Kaleva (jari-pekka.kaleva(a)