Draft HORIZON2020 work programmes 2016-17 for game developers, serious game developers and organisations supporting game developers

Below you will find the most interesting HORIZON2020 drafts for game developers, serious game developers and organisations supporting game developers. The full list of all drafts for the Horizon2020 calls in 2016 and 2017 can be found here.  In addition to Horizon 2020 funding, also Creative Europe and European Investment Fund will continue their funding for game developers.


The next Creative Europe call will be published at the beginning of 2016.


EIF indirectly supports SMEs by working with a wide range of financial intermediaries (banks, guarantee, microfinance institutions, private equity and venture capital funds, etc) that provide a wide range of financial products to SMEs, such as:

Microfinance: If you are a (future) entrepreneur or a micro-enterprise and are looking for a micro-loan below € 25.000 you can get further information from a microfinance provider offering EIF microfinance financial instruments and acting as EIF intermediary in your country.

Loans: The European Union supports financing for SMEs to help them start up or grow their businesses through a wide range of programmes. Please refer to EIF webpage where to access finance and select your country to find the contact details of all local banks and microfinance institutions providing loans to SMEs under agreements signed with EIF.

Equity: If you are an entrepreneur and are looking for investors, we suggest that you submit your investment proposal and business plan to the fund management companies with which we have signed a partnership agreement. Please refer to our webpage where to access finance and select your country to find their contact details.

For more information please visit: http://www.eif.org/EIF_for/sme_finance/index.htm


The key drafts for game developers


The key drafts for serious game developers

  • ICT-24-2016: Gaming and gamification (TBC)
    • To who: Any serious game developer willing to focus on technology transfer through small scale experiments on developing and validating open gaming technologies (augmented and mixed reality, 3D audio and video, virtual worlds, interactive storytelling, narratives, modelling and data, etc.) and mechanics including from sectors other than the gaming industry into non-leisure situations and scenarios for training and motivational purposes.
    • How much funding is available:  around EUR 1 million EU contribution
    • Other key requirements: TBC
    • Deadlines TBC
    • For more information visit: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/05i.%20LEIT-ICT_2016-2017_pre-publication.pdf
  • ICT-22-2016: Technologies for Learning and Skills (TBC)
    • To who: 
      • (A) An edugame developer or a middleware developer focusing on developing and testing open, interoperable components for a flexible, scalable and cost-effective cloud-based digital learning infrastructure (e.g. authoring and modelling tools; syndication tools; networked objects; electronic publishing platforms; social and collaborative networks) to deliver user-driven innovation in technological solutions (e.g. 3D simulation and modelling technologies, visualisation technologies, augmented and virtual reality, location intelligence, intelligent tutors and other adaptive and multimodal technologies) and educational services (e.g. learning analytics for creating, collecting, storing, sharing learner/educational data in a systematic, secure way) for primary and secondary education, for personalised, collaborative or experimental learning and skills validation.
      • (B) An edugame developer or a middleware developer focusing technologies for deeper learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, combined with Arts (STEAM), improving the innovation and creative capacities of learners and supporting the new role of teacher as a coach of the learner.
    • How much funding is available:  around EUR 5 million EU contribution for A and around EUR 2,5 million EU contribution for B
    • Other key requirements: TBC
    • Deadlines TBC
    • For more information visit: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/05i.%20LEIT-ICT_2016-2017_pre-publication.pdf
  • CULT-COOP-08-2016: Virtual museums and social platform on European digital heritage, memory, identity and cultural interaction
    • To who: Any serious game developer willing to focus on highly innovative technologies, methods and ICT tools for virtual museums to significantly improve the ‘digital encounter’ including quality of images, sonic narratives, the display and interactivity with digital objects. Besides, actions should research and create new ways of personalised storytelling, interactivity and adaptive guidance, bridging the physical and the digital world.
    • How much funding is available:  around EUR 2,5 million EU contribution
    • Other key requirements: TBC
    • Deadlines: TBC
    • For more information visit: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/13.%20SC6_2016-2017_pre-publication.pdf
  • SFS-39-2017: How to tackle the childhood obesity epidemic?
  • SC1-PM-15-2017: Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age
    • To whoA health game developer willing to focus on developing a proof of concept of radically new solutions for a personalised “virtual coach”, building upon intelligent ICT environments, access to relevant physiological and behavioural data, new forms of accessible interaction based on tangible user interaction concepts, open platforms and emotional computing. Usability and ease of user interaction should be essential design elements of the “coach”.
    • How much funding is available:  between EUR 3 and 4 million EU contribution
    • Other key requirements: TBC
    • Deadlines: TBC
    • For more information visit: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/08.%20SC1-Health%202016-2017_pre-pub.pdf
  • SC1-HCO-12–2016: Digital health literacy
    • To whoA health game developer willing to focus on designing open access online courses (“MOOCs”) for different population cohorts including children and the elderly and other high-risk patient groups, supporting an interactive learning environment in order to digital health literacy of citizens
    • How much funding is available:  up to EUR 2 million EU contribution
    • Other key requirements: TBC
    • Deadlines: TBC
    • For more information visit:
  • SMEInst-06-2016-2017 – Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well
    • To whoA health game developer focusing on disruptive innovation and fast market up- take in ICT for health, wellbeing and ageing well. In particular it will be interesting for SMEs and young companies that are looking for swift support to their innovative ideas.
    • How much funding is available: a lump sum of EUR 50.000 in phase 1 and EUR 0.5 and 2.5 million EU contribution in Phase 2
    • Other key requirements: TBC
    • Deadlines: TBC
    • For more information visit: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/08.%20SC1-Health%202016-2017_pre-pub.pdf
  • Other interesting draft calls


The key drafts for clusters supporting game developers

 ICT-36-2016: Boost synergies between artists, creative people and technologists (TBC)

    • To who: 
      • (A) Organisations interested in establishing a structured dialogue between creative people and technologists and promoting the replication of successful initiatives across other industries and European countries. The organisations should launch a yearly Europe wide competition for the best creative product ideas and ensure the financial support of their realization, promote the selected ideas through highly visible actions addressing both the general public and potential investors and develop a sustainability strategy to ensure the persistence of the experiences gained.
      • (B) Organisations interested in funding short-term residencies/fellowships in running H2020 projects or in institutions and sponsoring ‘matchmaking events’ (workshops, hackatons, etc.) that will allow artists and ICT experts to develop common work practices and address concrete problems, setting up an online platform to match partners from the ICT and the Arts and organising an annual high visible STARTS event with international outreach bringing together H2020 projects.
    • How much funding is available: EUR 3 million EU contribution for (A) and EUR 4 million EU contribution for (B)
    • Other key requirements: TBC
    • Deadlines TBC
    • For more information visit https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/05i.%20LEIT-ICT_2016-2017_pre-publication.pdf
  • ICT-19-2017: Media and content convergence (TBC)
    • To who: Organisations increasing awareness of the latest technological developments among policy stakeholders, making researchers aware of the current and future policy and regulatory framework and monitoring the state of the art of the European Media and Content sector in a digital single market. OR Organisations Supporting R&D programmes/activities, dissemination of results and organisation of scientific and/or policy events and analysing and developing research agendas and roadmaps, pre-standardisation initiatives and stakeholders coordination in Convergence and Social Media.
    • How much funding is available:  EUR 1 million EU contribution
    • Other key requirements: TBC
    • Deadlines TBC
    • For more information visit: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/05i.%20LEIT-ICT_2016-2017_pre-publication.pdf
  • ICT-32-2017: Startup Europe for Growth and Innovation Radar
    • To who: 
      • Organisations interested in reinforcing ICT ecosystems for high growth tech startups by interconnecting and creating new synergies between 3-4 different Startup hubs across Europe per project. Activities should focus on scaling-up of companies by connecting, across different entrepreneurial ecosystems. Furthermore, the organisations should facilitate financing and improving the liquidity for European investments in fast growing ICT startups, increasing their chances for a successful exit.
    • How much funding is available:  EUR 1,5 million EU contribution
    • Other key requirements: TBC
    • Deadlines TBC
    • For more information visit: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/05i.%20LEIT-ICT_2016-2017_pre-publication.pdf
  • CO-CREATION-01-2017: Education and skills: empowering Europe’s young innovators
    • To who: The organisations interested in developing new models, to investigate and to test new mechanisms that the young generation is engaging in, for addressing societal challenges coupled with an entrepreneurial spirit as well as effective ways and mechanisms for collecting and promoting innovative ideas from the young people. Particular attention should be paid to gender issues.
    • How much funding is available:  EUR 2,5 million EU contribution
    • Other key requirements: TBC
    • Deadlines TBC
    • For more information visit: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/13.%20SC6_2016-2017_pre-publication.pdf