During its first plenary meeting the European Data Protection Board endorsed the GDPR related WP29 Guidelines.
During its first plenary meeting the European Data Protection Board endorsed the GDPR related WP29 Guidelines.
This document aims to provide a voluntary tool for companies to better present and communicate both mandatory consumer information and T&Cs to consumers. This document was agreed by the business organisations within a stakeholder expert group and facilitated by the European Commission.
The “New Deal for Consumers” initiative aimed at strengthening enforcement of EU consumer law in light of a growing risk of EU-wide infringements and at modernising EU consumer protection rules in view of market developments. The Commission adopted it on the 11 April 2018. The initiative was composed of two proposals for Directives and a Communication.
“We are making steady progress with awareness of gender bias and the inclusion of women in the workplace. This is due not only to the general appreciation of diversity in the Stockholm gaming culture, but also an urge to expand our shared base of knowledge and experience.” Download the full Playbook from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CG-4V3O3EwTzMngFgHqL-cyLIp-UCngh/view
Art. 107(3)(d) TFEU – Culture and heritage, Direct grant, Loan/ Repayable advances: Decision not to raise objections
Art. 107(3)(d) TFEU – Culture, direct grant: Decision not to raise objections
Download the Swedish Game Developer Index 2019 from:https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a61edb7a803bb7a65252b2d/t/5db812f3df1a2166b947a58a/1572344586626/GDI19_web.pdf
Download the Spelutvecklarindex 2019 from: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a61edb7a803bb7a65252b2d/t/5db6be7415366869893e1866/1572257420429/Spelutvecklarindex2019_v3.pdf
Download the LIBRO BLANCO DEL DESARROLLO DE VIDEOJUEGOS en la Comunidad Valenciana 2018 report from http://hostmaster.dev.org.es/images/stories/docs/libro%20blanco%20comunidad%20valenciana.pdf
Download the LLIBRE BLANC DE LA INDÚSTRIA CATALANA DEL VIDEOJOC 2018 report from http://hostmaster.dev.org.es/images/stories/docs/llibre%20blanc%202018.pdf