EGDF calls for single digital job market for remote work

EGDF publishes its statement on a Tax in an increasingly mobile working environment discussion paper

EGDF asks commission to take three steps to towards digital single market for remote work:

  • Step 1Remote work fitness check of EU taxation and social security framework: The Commission has to carry out an EU-level study mapping all relevant national rules on cross-border remote work from corporate and personal taxation, health care and social security perspectives. This study has to be finalised during this commission term. During the next Commission term, the Commission should update the collected information annually and make it available in Your Europe portal (or in another one-stop-shop) for employees considering hiring remote workers from other countries
  • Step 2Building digital infrastructure fit for remote work: Remote work requires fast and reliable network infrastructure with unlimited data plans, national one-stop-shops for bureaucracy related to remote work and global eSignature.
  • Step 3 – Building remote work friendly regulatory framework globally and in the EU: The Commission has to start a process in the OECD to build remote work friendly global taxation framework, secure that EU data protection and transfer rules enable remote work and demand that transparency of the local rules for remote working should be one of the standard items of all trade agreements negotiated by the EU. Furthermore, the EU member states have to implement new EU copyright rules in a coherent way.

The full position paper can be accessed here:
or downloaded from here:

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