Joint EGDF-ISFE position paper on the EU consultation on the Rights of the Child

EGDF and ISFE welcome the opportunity to submit a position paper in response to the consultation on an EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child whose objective is to strengthen the protection of children’s rights. Children are important holders of rights, as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the TFEU, but children also need to be adequately protected according to their level of maturity and development.

The full position paper can be downloaded from here:

EGDF approach on the protection of minors covers

  • Children’s right to participate in artistic and cultural life through digital mediums like video games
  • Facilitating children’s right to actively participate in the community through digital inclusion, accessibility and participation
  • Right to education: learning by playing
  • Protection of minors from inappropriate content
  • Protection of children from inappropriate data practices
  • Protection of minors and business models and unsuitable business practices
  • Right to protection from all forms of violence and exploitation

and can be accessed here:

Furthermore, EGDF approach on protecting the fundamental rights of migrant children can be accessed here: